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Dear McNeil's Towing/Auto Care,
The board for the Honoring Heroes Foundation would like to express our appreciation for your efforts in fundraising money for our foundation. The Honoring Heroes Foundation was formed "To protect and provide for fallen and wounded Troopers and for the well-being of the dependents and employees of the Utah Highway Patrol and the Department of Public Safety." We accomplish this by assisting with expenses not covered by insurance when Troopers are injured on the job or encounter other catastrophic expenses. There are several Troopers with severe financial and family problems because of extreme medical expenses, uninsured house damage from weather, or unbearable financial strain from other sources. Most of these Troopers simply suffer along without telling anyone. They are forced to get a second job to supplement their wages, in some cases; spouses may take a part time job at the expense of raising their children. As a result troopers may choose to simply take their skills and experience, and reluctantly go to other departments for higher wages. When these unforeseen emergencies arise, The Honoring Heroes Foundation is able to help our troopers overcome these difficult times. In doing so, we alleviate the pressing financial stresses of the emergency. Because of generous donations The Honoring Heroes Foundation makes a difference in the lives of those who protect us each day. Through your generous donation we can further help these everyday heroes with what they need. With all the bad opinions towards police lately it is great to see that your company still supports these great men and woman. We speak on behalf of all the troopers and DPS employees in saying thank you for all you have done.
Honoring Heroes Foundation Board
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Image Credits | WEBSITE BY KUKUI