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To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Deb Harper and I am blessed with the title of Vice President of Angel's Hands Foundation. www.anoelshands.orq. Our foundation gives help to children and families with the rarest of diseases. I can't even express to you the hardship that we see with these families. Because of Pete McNeil I have one story with a very happy ending. I also own a heavy highway construction company, Deb Harper Concrete, Inc. and have worked with Pete McNeil for many years having him work with my fleet. Not only do I respect him as a business man, and the comfort I feel in his honesty I have the utmost respect for him with what he does throughout the community. I have a personal story I would like to share with you. One of our families who had just gotten their young son out of Primary Children's Hospital, after enduring his 12"' surgery, and has had an extremely hard year financially due to this and other factors, blew their engine on their one and only vehicle that got Mom and Dad to work and Jack to many Dr. visits. I decided I would reach out to Pete McNeil with the situation and see what help he could be, if any. NEVER did I expect the reaction and help that I got. He immediately towed the vehicle to his shop for the unsuspecting parents to get an "estimate to fix it. The day he called with the estimate I knew I had one donation to go toward the repair, but also knew that we had a long way to go to repair this van that needed much work, including a new engine. I told him about the donation I had and he said "Deb I want to do this for this family". Not only did Pete and McNeil's Auto fix the engine, they repaired everything that was needed and had it completely detailed. I was so touched by the humbleness that I saw in him. Needless to say it was one of the best days of this family's life, mine, and I am sure Pete's when Santa was at the shop waiting for them to "go over the estimate" and surprised them with Christmas for their family and a bill for ZERO to fix their van. This father is not one to show emotion and as long as I have worked with this family have never seen him express much. He broke down in tears that day and has sent emails since stating "we have no idea how this has touched his life. There is not a day goes by I don't think about the kindness that was shown to my struggling family." What Pete McNeil and McNeil Auto did that day has changed the life of this family for the better. After Pete met the Founder of Angel's Hands, (Our Santa Claus) he was already reaching out to us and wanting to get involved in our Foundation. Mark and Roxann Kristensen the founders of Angel's Hands can relate to these families. They lost their son Matt 12 years ago from a rare disease and now his legacy is here to help as many families in their situation as possible. Having Pete on our side is a blessing, and a bonus that I can never express enough gratitude for.
Deb Harper, VP Angel's Hands Foundation
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Image Credits | WEBSITE BY KUKUI